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Author Archives: Richard Murdock

The Art of Individualized Segmentation

All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts… As You Like It, Act II, Scene VII – William Shakespeare I’ve had this idea bouncing around in my head for a while now, and that…


Get Certified in your Tech Stack

This is a post I created for Response Media last month. Re-posted here with permission. In the business world, there is a difference between “Yeah, I can do that” and “I’m certified in that process.” Although most people can learn software and systems that help them do their jobs better, going through the process of certification…


Building a CSS Slider

At work recently I have been working on a WordPress site and was asked to put up a blog post for a client. The requirements included making a mini gallery of images with titles and descriptions that could be navigated with a slider. I thought that would be simple enough and so I went looking…


Getting certified in Google Analytics

The post today is about my journey to get certified with Google Analytics. The training for this certification was, in my opinion, much more robust than the Adwords course materials. There were videos with Justin Cutroni, the Digital Analytics Evangelist at Google, that were well done and had great information. I feel that I retained…


Getting certified with Google Adwords

Today I decided to get certified with Google Adwords and Google Analytics. Admittedly it’s been a few years since I was involved with either product so I knew I would have a lot to catch up one. What I didn’t realize was just how intricate the Adword network was now. You see ads every day wherever…


An Introduction

Hello World! Isn’t that how every basic instruction on programming starts you with? I thought I’d start with something simple here, and hopefully move on to more interesting and exciting things in this space. Because this is a personal site rather than a company site, I intend to cover things that interest me. The topics…